Monday, June 1, 2009

Yes We Should Wear Uniforms to School

We should wear uniforms at piper high school because it will help us in many ways. I also think that if we wear uniforms at school it will make use equal and poor students would not worry about buying clothing brands like the rich students do. I believe that students who wear uniform will improve in school because they won’t have to think about what to wear to school and it will also express themselves, personality and attitude, rather than buying expensive pairs of shoes or a brand name pair of jeans or top.
Uniforms will as well improve a realistic respect favorable impression of one in the students because they will not feel pressure to dress in a certain way. Uniforms will also allow students to spend much time studying rather then spending their time on shopping than those who do not have to wear uniform. Students will go to school earlier because they won’t waste their time trying on outfit s to wear to school. School uniform will save peoples money because parents won’t have to worry about spending fortunes on buying clothing for their children.
It is very normal for teens now days to disagree in wearing uniforms to school because of the brands and styles. Teens today now group themselves and worry about who wears what. In the olden days our grandparents used to wear uniform they didn’t worry about it, it was the style then. In my opinion school uniforms are beneficial because having to wear uniform stops gang members and helps stop violence in the school campus.
There many teens out there who hate to wear uniforms but it is for there benefit. Some students dress inappropriate for school and others don’t like the idea of there clothing because it might be impolite. It’s like when you meet people the first thing you look at is there clothing and the first thing that comes out from your mouth is a complement or you start criticizing them about there dressing it’s the same thing when you talk about school uniform.
Not everybody wants to wear it, like nobody wants to wear what you wear. Nobody wants to wear the same outfit to school every blessed day. But it is important for students because they are going to school to learn not to show off what they wear. It is good to see the other side of them but not when it comes to school. Here is what Miss Someillan had to say about students wearing uniform at school.
Here She said it is good for students to wear uniforms at school because of safety reasons and so that we know who is supposed to be on campus and who is not. They won’t have to worry about what the current style is because everybody will look the same, and students who don’t have a lot of money will not feel left out. She said clothing that is to revealing distracts learning. She wasn’t to sure if uniforms will create unity to the students.

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